[ASCO-GI 2015]胃肠癌症病例管理及转化医学研究进展 ——Paul Mansfield博士专访

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/1/17 18:41:23  浏览量:82277


2015胃肠癌症研讨会的亮点包括3个主题演讲、上消化道癌症疑难病例的管理、转化研究等部分。在1月15日下午“上消化道癌症疑难病例管理”板块,德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心的Paul Mansfield博士从外科学角度,探讨了上消化道癌症管理的问题。《肿瘤瞭望》前方记者就“胃肠道癌症管理和转化医学问题”现场采访了Mansfield博士。















  Oncology Frontier: Could you talk about translational medicine as it is applies to gastrointestinal oncology?




  Dr Mansfield: When we talk about using the different modalities of medicine, we talk about multi-disciplinary care or multi-modality care. But when we talk about translational medicine, we are talking about getting care from the research area (the bench) to the patient’s bedside as quickly as possible. That also involves things like clinical trials whether they are early phase clinical trials (pilot studies, phase I or phase II studies) or moving on to phase III studies where we are proving the benefit of a treatment against a standard of care. Translational research really encompasses the whole spectrum of that.




  Oncology FrontierIn terms of gastrointestinal oncology, what do you find in translational research is the greatest challenge?




  Dr Mansfield: There are a lot of challenges. One is the funding for basic research as well as clinical trials. Total spending on medical research has been pretty flat in the US for last six or seven years now while many other countries have revved it up. Another issue is, do we have the right tools to use?Are we finding the right antibodies to trigger the body’s immune system to shut genes that have been upregulated to cause the cancer? There are a lot of new drugs that are coming out, but we need more. The more tools that we have, the better off we will be. We then need to ensure we get the tools onto the battlefield (i.e. into patients). In order to get therapies to patients we need to have appropriately designed and powered studies to prove that a treatment is effective. These trials are incredibly expensive. Some of that is because we have a very large amount of regulatory burden on clinical researchers. Part of it is the expense of the drugs. Part of it is the complexity of the trials that need to be done, and also wanting to learn more than just whether a patient’s tumor responds or not, but also doing corollary basic research studies in conjunction with that to explain why somebody’s tumor responds and why somebody’s doesn’t respond.



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