[ASH2016] 滤泡性淋巴瘤的一线治疗︰?我们准备放弃化疗吗?

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2016/12/4 20:37:47  浏览量:22029


编者按:第58届美国血液学会(ASH)年会现场,美国德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心Nathan Fowler教授接受了《肿瘤瞭望》的采访, 针对目前滤泡性淋巴瘤的一线治疗方案选择,Fowler教授分享了他的看法,并对于滤泡性淋巴瘤治疗的国际进展进行了深入解读。

Nathan Fowler

美国德克萨斯大学 MD 安德森癌症中心




  Fowler教授: 在过去的20-30年中,低级别的淋巴瘤患者的总体生存率有明显地升高。事实上当前新诊断的滤泡细胞淋巴瘤的总体生存期已经达到18-20年。此外,已经有一部分病人(大约30%)接受CHOP联合美罗华或者美罗华联合苯达莫司汀方案治疗后可以获得长期缓解而不复发。此类方案已有可能完全治愈该病,所以我认为对于低级别的淋巴瘤患者提出放弃化疗应当万分谨慎。只有当别的治疗方案能够单药获得比化疗更好的治疗效果或者比化疗方案毒性小的时候,我们才有可能将低级别的淋巴瘤化疗方案替代掉。好消息是,目前已经有很多新的治疗方案出现,诸如来那度胺联合美罗华,依鲁替尼联合美罗华,以及其他B细胞检录点抑制剂联合美罗华,似乎在低级别的淋巴瘤中疗效显著,且并没有产生比化疗更加重的毒副作用。而不巧的是,大部分系类药品目前正处于比较早期的临床试验中,所以我们并不能获得非常确切的与化疗相比较的临床效果差异。然而令人兴奋的好消息就是,关于这些药物的临床试验将在未来的3-4年中飞速进展,我们将获得更多的关于此类非化疗药相比于标准化疗方案的疗效差异的数据。所以对于这个问题的解答是,关于于滤泡细胞淋巴瘤目前我们还没有找到可以完全取代化疗的治疗方案,但是我们可以期待这一天在不久的将来会到来。我期待更多的大宗临床试验的结果让我们看到有比传统化疗更加有效且毒性更小的治疗方案出现。


  Dr Fowler: In the last two or three decades, we have seen the improvement of survival of many patients with low-grade lymphoma. In fact, the expected survival of patients with newly diagnosed follicular lymphoma is probably 18-20 years. In addition, with most chemotherapy combinations like rituximab with CHOP or rituximab and bendamustine, there is probably a percentage of patients (around 30%) who will never relapse with their disease. They are effectively cured of their disease. So I think we have to be very careful when we talk about throwing away chemotherapy for low-grade lymphoma. We should only change chemotherapy for low-grade lymphoma if we have an option that works better than chemotherapy, or is less toxic than chemotherapy. The good news is that a lot of new regimens like lenalidomide and rituximab, potentially ibrutinib and rituximab, and some checkpoint inhibitors with rituximab look very active in low-grade lymphomas and are not associated with a lot of the toxicity of chemotherapy. Unfortunately, a lot of these agents are still in very early clinical trials, so we don’t yet know how they compare with chemotherapy. But the exciting thing is that as we move forward over the next three or four years, we will have more data on how these non-chemotherapy options compare with chemotherapy. The answer to your question is that we are not yet ready to abandon chemotherapy in frontline follicular lymphoma. However, there are many hints that that day will come very soon. I am hopeful that with some of the new larger randomized studies, we will see regimens that are less toxic and maybe more effective than chemotherapy.






  Dr Fowler: This has been a question that we have talked about for many years. We know that around 2-3% of patients with low-grade lymphoma will transform into a more aggressive clone of large cell lymphoma over time. What we worry about is if it is possible that exposing patients to chemotherapy early will increase the risk that they transform to a large cell lymphoma? Luckily, several large retrospective studies have suggested that patients who do and who don’t receive chemotherapy have approximately the same risk of transformation. We have not seen that chemotherapy reduces the risk of transformation, but it doesn’t look like it increases the risk of transformation. We are not sure why that is. It is possible that these subclones that exist in patients with follicular lymphoma are resistant to chemotherapy. There are also some data that when patients transform, they are coming from a completely different subclone so the exposure to chemotherapy is irrelevant. At least with the current data, regimens like CHOP do not appear to increase the risk of transformation based on retrospective data.






  Dr Fowler: It has long been thought that patients with stage I/II follicular lymphoma have a different biology to patients with advanced stage follicular lymphoma. There have been several retrospective studies done at Stanford University as well as a large cohort study called LymphoCare, that suggest that patients with low-grade lymphoma will do well regardless of their therapy. Some have even advocated that these patients don’t need treatment because they are never going to progress to stage III/IV and the risk of dying is very low. Unfortunately, there are no prospective studies to look at observation versus intervention in early stage follicular lymphoma, so we have to draw conclusions from studies that have looked at advanced stage disease. It does appear that waiting, at least in terms of chemotherapy in advanced stage disease, is not harmful. Observation is still the recommended approach in patients with advanced stage disease with a low tumor burden and the absence of symptoms. In my own practice, I think patients with low-grade disease can be potentially cured with radiotherapy. So I send them to radiation if they have a lesion that we can easily irradiate. But I will freely admit that many physicians in the United States and other parts of the world would recommend observing these patients based upon the hypothesis that the biology of the low-grade disease in its limited stage is different, although that has yet to be shown in any prospective trial.






  Dr Fowler: There are a lot of promising agents for low-grade lymphoma. Many of these agents have single-drug response rates from 30% to 60%, so I do think we have the ingredients for the next combination therapy. Unfortunately, most of the efforts so far have failed to identify the next best regimen. We have looked at the combination of idelalisib plus lenalidomide and rituximab and it was extremely toxic including fatal in some patients. We have looked at combinations with idelalisib, a Syk inhibitor called GS9903 with rituximab, which as also very toxic including fatal toxicities. And we have looked at ibrutinib with rituximab and revlimid. The jury is still out on that but it appears that there is increased rash. So some of these novel drugs that may not be toxic as single agents, when they are in combination, there is very significant toxicity. Right now, we are moving forward very cautiously when combining some of these novel drugs. With regard to the most promising novel agents, I think that the checkpoint inhibitors like pembrolizumab and nivolumab are very exciting across different types of malignancies. Low-grade lymphoma response rates are not quite as high, around 30%. We see monoclonal antibodies targeting CD19, and novel drugs targeting CD20 like obinutuzumab, which look very active in low-grade lymphoma. We have also seen data at this meeting about CAR T-cells, which look very active in patients with multiple relapsed low-grade lymphomas with response rates above 80% and long-term remission in around half the patients. So I think there are a lot of very exciting novel regimens. The immunomodulatory drugs are very active in low-grade lymphoma and I think revlimid and rituximabis the most exciting doublet with responses in almost 100% of patients.

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:付丽云



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