Kjetil Boye教授:2023年ESMO大会肉瘤领域新药研究进展

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2023/11/23 10:23:11  浏览量:8755


在刚刚落幕的2023欧洲肿瘤内科学会年会(ESMO 2023)上,来自挪威奥斯陆大学医院肿瘤内科的Kjetil Boye教授主持了专题研讨会“New mechanisms and drugs for the treatment of patients with sarcomas(肉瘤治疗的新机制和新药物)”以及肉瘤领域的迷你口头报告(Mini oral session-Sarcoma)。《肿瘤瞭望》在大会现场采访了Kjetil Boye教授,分享今年ESMO大会上肉瘤领域的新药研究进展。

编者按:在刚刚落幕的2023欧洲肿瘤内科学会年会(ESMO 2023)上,来自挪威奥斯陆大学医院肿瘤内科的Kjetil Boye教授主持了专题研讨会“New mechanisms and drugs for the treatment of patients with sarcomas(肉瘤治疗的新机制和新药物)”以及肉瘤领域的迷你口头报告(Mini oral session-Sarcoma)。《肿瘤瞭望》在大会现场采访了Kjetil Boye教授,分享今年ESMO大会上肉瘤领域的新药研究进展。

Kjetil Boye教授:在专题研讨会(New mechanisms and drugs for the treatment of patients with sarcomas)上,我们讨论了几种不同机制的潜在新药。也许在采访中能够讨论的新药有太多了。但哪些是具有潜力的新药?MDM-2抑制剂在治疗几种亚型肉瘤中展示了不错的潜力,其中最常见的是分化良好型脂肪肉瘤。因此,这是一条最近没有太多探索的途径,也是过去几年的研究重点。在今天的会议(mini oral session-Sarcoma)上,同样可以看到有几项针对胃肠道间质瘤的Ⅰ期或Ⅱ期试验,也取得了有希望的结果,可能在不久的将来使患者受益。
Oncology Frontier:You participated in a special symposium and a mini oral session.Could you share your feelings about your participation?What types of new drugs impressed you?
Dr.Kjetil Boye:In the special symposium(New mechanisms and drugs for the treatment of patients with sarcomas),we discussed several different mechanisms and potential new drugs.Perhaps there are too many to discuss in this interview.But what is emerging?For example,the treatment with MDM-2 inhibitors for several sarcoma subtypes,of which the most common is the differentiated liposarcomas.So that’s one avenue that has not been explored too much recently and is a focus for over the last years.What has also been seen is that there are several new phase I or phase I I trials in gastrointestinal stromal tumor that was presented today(at the mini oral session-Sarcoma),also with promising results which might benefit patients in the not too distant future.

Kjetil Boye教授:我提到了今天报道的两项Ⅰ期研究。一项在日本开展的Ⅰ期研究中,其中一种是热休克蛋白-90抑制剂(Pimitespib)联合伊马替尼(治疗难治性胃肠道间质瘤),得到了不错的结果。然后再回到MDM-2抑制剂,这将是一个有趣的领域。最后一方面是,有几项关于免疫联合免疫治疗肉瘤的研究。我认为有很多事情我们目前还不完全了解,但我相信我们很快就会看到重要和有意义的结果。
Oncology Frontier:Could you introduce some of the new therapeutic strategies or drug mechanisms that are currently being explored or showing promise?
Dr.Kjetil Boye:Yeah,I mentioned the two phase one studies that were presented today.In one of them there is a combination of an HSP-90 inhibitor and imatinib,a study performed in Japan,which had interesting results.And then coming back also to the MDM-2 inhibitor,that will be an interesting field to follow.And the final thing is that there are several studies being presented in sarcomas with immunotherapy and immunotherapy combinations.And there I think it’s a lot of things we do not understand fully at the moment,but I believe we will see important and interesting results there soon.

Kjetil Boye教授:也许这次会议上最重要的研究进展是MDM-2抑制剂(milademetan)对比曲贝替定治疗分化良好型脂肪肉瘤的Ⅲ期研究最新数据。不幸的是,这项针对脂肪肉瘤的研究是阴性的。因此,与曲贝替定相比,MDM-2抑制剂没有统计学上的显著获益,这是令人失望的,我们将在明天早上(Proffered Paper session-Sarcoma)看到这些结果。
△Ⅲ期MANTRA研究:MDM-2抑制剂(milademetan)对比曲贝替定治疗分化良好型脂肪肉瘤不能显著改善PFS(3.6 vs.2.2个月,HR 0.89,P=0.53)
Oncology Frontier:Do you have any highlights or ideas to share during this session for the Chinese patients and doctors that can bring international response for them?
Dr.Kjetil Boye:Perhaps the most important presentation in this meeting is the late-breaking data of a phase 3 study in the differentiated liposarcoma of an MDM-2 inhibitor compared with trabectedin.Unfortunately,this study in liposarcomas was negative.So there is no statistically significant benefit of the MDM-2 inhibitor compared to trabecutin,which was disappointing and we’ll see those results tomorrow morning.
Kjetil Boye
Kjetil Boye教授是奥斯陆大学医院临床肉瘤研究组负责人。该研究组旨在开展临床和转化研究,以改善肉瘤患者的治疗。研究组关注的重点是胃肠道间质瘤(GIST)和高级别软组织肉瘤(STS),目标是将分子生物标志物与组织病理学特征和传统临床变量相结合,提高对复发风险的预测能力,从而更好地为辅助治疗决策提供依据。





版面编辑:张靖璇  责任编辑:刘博文



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