[ASCO-GI 2015]分子分型能否预测结直肠癌预后——Sabine Tejpar博士访谈

作者:  S.Tejpar   日期:2015/1/18 17:21:07  浏览量:66914


编者按:2015胃肠道癌症研讨会于1月15-17日在美国旧金山隆重举行,比利时天主教鲁汶大学的Sabine Tejpar博士做了“结直肠癌分子特征”的主题演讲,会后《肿瘤瞭望》前方记者采访了Tejpar博士。











  Oncology Frontier: Please discuss how overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) are differentiated among the various molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer?




  Dr Tejpar: There are several points to consider. Subtypes were generated in a diagnostic way, not any way that reflects prognostic differences. That is very important. Subtypes were generated to show differing biology in colon cancer and once those subtypes were identified based on that differing biology, we checked if there were also prognostic differences. If you wanted a prognostic classification, you would need to use a completely different approach. When we identified these basic biological differences in colon cancer, we look at how they behave in two settings mainly. One setting is the risk for relapse (RFS) once there is a resected primary tumor in stage II or III so that we know the risk for developing metastases. We do indeed see a subtype and in this case it is CMS4. That really makes a difference in terms of the risk of relapse. So now we have a molecularly diagnostically defined subtype which contains biology that is associated with the risk for relapse and this can now be utilized for new drug targets.


  That adjuvant area is very important and something we need to work on in colon cancer. When we were making the subtypes in this case they were generated by gene expression which use a lot of variables and associating them by looking at patterns which means that you are not really capturing the underlying pathway but maybe even looking at surrogate markers. These tell you that this patient is different in terms of those features from another patient. What we are doing now and what we are looking into is trying to give some functional understanding to these signals which help us to define the patients. We have signals that define our patients as being biologically different and in this case also prognostically different, but now we have to go and find what exactly is mechanistically going on in a patient that is expressed by these features. That is difficult because you need to have the key to unlock a phenotypic expression where we need to know what does it mean when particular genes are turned on or off. It is difficult but not unfeasible. It takes a lot of preclinical work to gather these observations and that is what we will be focusing on over the next year. When we consider the other outcome, we could look at overall survival or also survival-after-relapse. That is quite a clean variable because time zero is when the patient becomes metastatic and then we look at which subgroup influences outcomes in that metastatic setting. Indeed, again we see the subgroups separate in terms of survival-after-relapse. Not unexpectedly, the biology that we see is important in survival-after-relapse is not the same biology as the one that confers the risk for relapse to begin with. That makes a lot of sense and gives us clues for if you are working on chemosensitivity and survival in the metastatic setting, you are going to be addressing other things other than those involved in the risk for relapse. So sometimes, subtypes are prognostic and give us hints on relevant clinical features (such as risk of relapse and unresponsiveness to chemotherapy) where we can zoom in to find the molecular mechanisms.



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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:张彩琴


结直肠癌分子分型结直肠癌预后ASCO GI 2015

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