[ASCO2014]CLL靶向治疗时代化疗是否还有一席之地?——Susan Mary O’Brien教授访谈

作者:  S.M.O’Brien   日期:2014/7/16 16:02:56  浏览量:29882


Susan Mary O’Brien,美国M. D安德森癌症中心白血病系教授,致力于白血病的治疗和研究及相关人才培养多年,多次受邀在美国血液病学年会、美国临床肿瘤学会年会等国际权威会议担任专场主持或发表专题研究,作为首席科学家主持多项临床试验,连续多年当选美国最佳医生,发表文章500多篇。

美国M. D安德森癌症中心白血病系 Susan Mary O’Brien教授

  Oncology Frontier: The combination of Idelalisib and Rituximab significantly improved progression-free survival (PFS), response rate, and overall survival among patients with relapsed CLL and who are less able to undergo chemotherapy. Compared with Ibrutinib what’s your recommendation about how to choose a therapy for CLL?


  Dr O’Brien: Well of course right now, at least in the United States, Ibrutinib is the only drug approved. We are expecting the combination of Idelalisib and Rituximab to be approved by the FDA sometime later this year based on the exact data that you were talking about. We will be in the lucky position of having 2 excellent B-cell receptor inhibitors that can be used to treat the disease.

  I think at this point it’s really hard to make a recommendation for one over the other except that one thing we do know is that patients on warfarin, the blood thinner, are excluded by the package insert from receiving Ibrutinib. So in terms of the patient eligibility in choosing a drug, a patient who is on a blood thinner might be someone you would choose for the Idelalisib.  I think at this point it is too early, there are no head to head comparisons, we just know they are both very effective regimens.





  Oncology Frontier:  So the targeted drugs are increasing in popularity. Do you think that the targeted therapy would become a main method for treating CLL at some point?


  Dr O’Brien: I think we all believe that in the long run it will. My own bias is it’s probably not going to be single agents and the reason I say that is we are not seeing complete remission so far in a substantial number with any of these agents. We would like to get away from chemotherapy, both because of the short and the long term toxicity, but we do need to be careful because we have presented data from MD Anderson that after 6 cycles of FCR if a patient has a mutated IGVH gene, and that’s probably about 40% of people who get treated, their progression free survival at 10-14 years is about 60%. So, now they got 6 cycles of chemo and there is myelosuppression and infections but they are done. They’re not taking a pill and they are not on continuous therapy and they’re out 10-14 years later with no evidence of disease.

  So, I think we have to be cautious, is that a cured fraction? I would be careful about saying that, I certainly think you would agree that 6 months of therapy followed by 12 years of remission is not something you want to just dump down the drain.

  So we have to be careful about balancing, in a certain subset, not all comers, this fabulous long term result with chemo and maybe potential for cure in a certain subset versus moving to the targeted therapies. Again I’m mostly talking about single agents because right now there’s no combination targeted therapies. But with the single agents we see so few CRs that I’m a bit skeptical that you’re going to produce that kind of long term result. But there are certainly patients where we do very poorly with chemoimmunotherapy where I’d be happy to drop chemotherapy tomorrow and the most obvious group are the patients with 17P deletions who we know fare poorly with chemo-based regimens. And then another group, which is a substantial fraction of the population, is older patients or patients with co-morbidities where you’re not worried about what’s there 14-year progression free survival if they are starting at the age of 75 and you want to use a kinder, gentler therapy.

  So I think there are subsets where we will very quickly move away from chemo and some subsets where we have to be more cautious.





  Oncology Frontier: The elderly patients, you kind of touched on this for CLL, which combined therapies might be the most suitable for them?


  Dr O’Brien: Yes. I think so. Because again it depends on what your end point is. In a young fit patient our end point is trying to get that remission to be as durable as possible,if not cure the patient. And why is a durable remission important? Because when people are in remission they usually have a very good quality of life and they are doing well and they’re not requiring more therapy.We know that in a 75 year old, as I just said, the expected survival is probably not going to be 15 years for the patient. So the end point probably becomes not MRD negativity or long term progression free survival, but negotiating the toxicity that you would normally get with chemo.


版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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