
[CORE2015] 肾癌个体化治疗 ——访意大利托斯卡纳肿瘤研究所Sergio Bracarda博士

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/7/10 18:16:53  浏览量:22840


Sergio Bracarda博士,意大利托斯卡纳肿瘤研究所肿瘤科主任,研究兴趣为泌尿生殖系肿瘤及生物制剂与传统化疗或免疫治疗的联合治疗。在第六届国际肾癌高峰论坛(CORE)上,Sergio Bracarda博士做了题为“Personalisation of Targeted Therapy: Is It a Future Possibility?”的演讲,并就此话题接受了《肿瘤瞭望》的专访。

Sergio Bracarda, MD





  预测性生物标志物的可能是实现个体化治疗的重要因素,在合适的时机为正确的患者选择正确的药物,使疗效最大化,进而延长患者预期的生命。通过借鉴乳腺癌(雌激素受体和HER-2状态)、黑色素瘤(BRAF突变)、结肠直肠癌和某些类型肺癌的治疗模式,已确定了一些预测因素。此外,纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心(Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, MSKCC)模型和国际转移性肾细胞癌联合数据库(International Metastatic Renal-Cell Carcinoma Database Consortium, IMDC)模型也提供了一些预后因素。目前,学者们正尝试研究出一种新的肾癌治疗决策的预算办法。








  Oncology Frontier: Your presentation concerned the personalization of targeted therapy. Is this a future possibility?


  Dr. Bracarda: What we have now are a number of agents that allow us to modify the history of kidney cancer. Just a few years ago, we had only the older immunotherapy options (interferon and interleukin-2) and the survival rates of patients with kidney cancer were very low with a maximum life expectancy of 12-14 months. With the TKIs and mTOR inhibitors, we can now achieve disease control in 70% of patients for a significant number of months and the life expectancy has improved from 12 months to 36 months. We have agents released and authorized as first-line options and after progression we can utilize other agents in the second-line and still others for third-line therapy. What is lacking now is how to select these agents for the individual patient.


  Learning from the model of breast cancer (estrogen receptors and HER-2 status) and more recently, melanoma (BRAF mutation), colorectal and some types of lung cancer, some predictive factors have been identified. We have been studying a new algorithm for decision-making in kidney cancers. We have some prognostic classifications from the old model from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering prognostic score and the International Consortium score, but these are independent of the treatment that we have. The difference in the predictive biomarkers is the evaluation of an element that might drive the selection of the right drug at the right moment for the right patient. This is a way to identify some elements that may be important in determining the drug that is more efficacious in a single patient and hopefully translates into a longer life expectancy for that patient.


  The elements that we can analyze now are clinical factors like hypertension. There is however no trial evidence for hypertension being a predictive factor, only a prognostic one. Another element is circulating glycoproteins, and we have a model derived from the biological studies associated with the prospective randomized study, RECORD-3, in which a group of 28 biomarkers were analyzed and added to a pooled index which may help to identify agents (which in the case of the trial were everolimus and sunitinib) for a group of patients. This will be an important source of information for the near future.


  There are elements derived from DNA and RNA mainly from single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that may identify one agent ahead of another. For example, at the moment we have a negative predictive factor associated with interleukin-8. For mRNA, there are transcriptional elements that may control the genomic characteristics of the tumor cell, which will allow treatment to be more personalized. We currently have very little information as the data is derived from a single, small sample size trial, but when we add the epigenetic control that can be derived from mRNA and DNA mutation status, we can end up with a complex system that may allow personalization for a group of histological types of patients and maybe for the single patient.

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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