
Henrik Gro?nberg教授:前列腺癌生物标志物可优化治疗方案,为患者带来更长生存

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2023/11/29 11:15:50  浏览量:3549


对于前列腺癌的早期诊断,前列腺穿刺活检是前列腺癌检测的金标准;但穿刺活检造成创伤易引起并发症,为临床应用造成了极大的不便。而血清学肿瘤标志物检测具有自动化操作、无创、快速、灵敏等特点,在前列腺癌诊断和治疗中具有一定优势。近日举行的ESMO 2023大会公布了应用循环肿瘤DNA诊疗前列腺癌的研究结果,《肿瘤瞭望》有幸在现场邀请到Henrik Gro?nberg教授,请他深入分享该研究及参会感悟。

编者按:对于前列腺癌的早期诊断,前列腺穿刺活检是前列腺癌检测的金标准;但穿刺活检造成创伤易引起并发症,为临床应用造成了极大的不便。而血清学肿瘤标志物检测具有自动化操作、无创、快速、灵敏等特点,在前列腺癌诊断和治疗中具有一定优势。近日举行的ESMO 2023大会公布了应用循环肿瘤DNA诊疗前列腺癌的研究结果,《肿瘤瞭望》有幸在现场邀请到Henrik Gro?nberg教授,请他深入分享该研究及参会感悟。

Henrik Gro?nberg教授:今天我在大会报告了ProBio研究的主要结果,该研究是一项针对男性转移性前列腺癌的研究。目前的一个现实问题是面临多种不同药物,该如何选择?因而ProBio研究使用了适应性设计随机临床试验,可以在这项平台型临床试验中同时比较多种不同药物的疗效。并且可以通过结果自适应设计,根据每个患者的结果更改研究设计的随机化情况。这意味着研究会更加智能,可以为合适的患者选择恰当的治疗方案。
Oncology Frontier:Hi,Dr.Henrik Gro?nberg.Thank you so much for this interview.Our first question is about your study design of your recent research,can you elaborate for us?
Dr.Henrik Gro?nberg:Yeah,today I presented the first main result from the ProBio study,which is a study in men with metastatic prostate cancer.And one of the problems there is you have many different drugs at the same time and you don’t know which one to choose.So ProBio is what you call an outcome adaptive randomized clinical trial,a platform trial,in which you can compare many different drugs at the same time.But using what we call an outcome adaptive design is that you change the randomization probabilities over this study design based on the result from each patient.So that means the study becomes clever and clever to select the right treatment to the right patient.
But we also use biomarkers that are circulating tumor DNA.That’s a simple blood test that we measure about 75 genes,that are important for prostate cancer.And what we do is that use these circulating tumor DNA biomarkers to randomize patients to different treatments based on these biomarkers.The main results today that I show you is that we compare standard of care which is physician’s choice to androgen receptor inhibitors,that’s abiraterone and enzalutamide,and taxanes.And we showed that androgen receptor inhibitors were superior to both taxanes and physician’s choice.If you look at progression-free survival,which is the time to you have progression of your disease,and it increased between five and six months.But we also looked at the secondary endpoint at overall survival,which means that these patients treated with androgen receptor inhibitors lived about 15 months longer than those put on taxanes or physician’s choice.
And what kind of implications will this have in the future?I would say that,if a man with metastatic prostate cancer hasn’t received an androgen receptor inhibitor before,he should receive that before he receives taxanes.The other thing that this study shows is that you can actually have a novel study design like ProBio using prospective biomarkers,adaptive randomization,in comparing many different treatments at the same time.
《肿瘤瞭望》:您刚才也分享了关于生物标志物的其他观点。那么ESMO 2023大会期间公布了许多新研究和新发现,您对哪些最感兴趣?这些发现对未来患者的治疗有何帮助?

Henrik Gro?nberg教授:我的主要研究领域是前列腺癌,因此会更为关注相关的研究及结果。例如,镥对部分转移性前列腺癌患者有效。此外,我认为本专场的关键进展之一是骨健康管理,这样转移性前列腺癌男性接受激素治疗期间同时进行骨健康管理,就可大大减少骨折风险。我认为这是本次大会的关键进展之一。
Oncology Frontier:That’s the final question,during ESMO 2023 congress,there are so many research and new discoveries,which one do you most interesting?Do you find anything like interesting discovery that could help the treatment for the future patient?
Dr.Henrik Gro?nberg:my main focus is prostate cancer.So of course I focused on these the results from these studies showing that,for example,Lutetium can work for a subset of men with metastatic prostate cancer.I think one of the key things today in the session I did my presentation,is that bone health agents,that means you should support bone health,so you don’t get fractures during treatment with hormones in men with metastatic prostate cancer.I think that’s one of the key home messages from this congress.
Henrik Gro?nberg教授
斯德哥尔摩Capio St.Göran医院前列腺癌中心主任



版面编辑:张靖璇  责任编辑:无医学编辑



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