

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2021/4/13 11:22:28  浏览量:6421



编者按:宾夕法尼亚大学医学院Penn Medicine的肿瘤学高级护士Carolyn Vachani和临床肿瘤社会工作者编辑Christina Bach撰文,介绍各种肺癌治疗手段的副作用如何影响着幸存者,肺癌幸存者怎样才能获得更好的生存质量。

Carolyn Vachani, RN, MSN 和Christina Bach, LCSW, MBE, OSW-C



生存护理计划(Survivorship Care Planning,SCP)是一种“面向患者”的文件,旨在教育和支持幸存者。OncoLife 是一种根据幸存者的癌症治疗史制定SCP的免费工具,自2007年以来,该工具已用于创建超过98,000个护理计划。OncoLife生成的SCP提供关于肺癌治疗的长期和晚期影响、肿瘤随访护理、健康生活、社会心理等问题的信息。
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2. Miller KD, Nogueira L, Mariotto AB, et al.      Cancer treatment and survivorship statistics, 2019. CA: Cancer J      Clin. 2019;69(5):363-385.
3. International Early Lung Cancer Action     Program Investigators; Henschke CI, Yankelevitz DF, et al. Survival of     patients with stage I lung cancer detected on CT screening. NEJM.     2006;355(17):1763-1771. Published corrections appear in:     NEJM:2008;358(17):1862. NEJM:2008;358(17):1875. NEJM:2008;359(8):877.
4. Barclay ME, Lyratzopoulos G, Walter FM,     Jefferies S, Peake MD, Rintoul RC. Incidence of second and higher order     smoking-related primary cancers following lung cancer: a population-based     cohort study. Thorax. 2019;74(5):466-472.
5. Pozo CLP, Morgan MAA, Gray JE. Survivorship     issues for patients with lung cancer. Cancer Control.     2014;21(1):40-50.
6. National Comprehensive Cancer Network. NCCN     clinical practice guidelines in oncology: non-small cell lung cancer.     2020. Accessed February 4, 2021. https://www.nccn.org/professionals/physician_gls/pdf/nscl.pdf
7. Alfano CM, Rowland JH. Recovery issues in     cancer survivorship: a new challenge for supportive care. Cancer J.     2006;12(5):432-443.
8. Feinstein MB, Krebs P, Coups EJ, et al.     Current dyspnea among long-term survivors of early-stage non-small cell     lung cancer. J Thor Oncol. 2010;5(8):1221-1226.
9. Bezjak A, Lee CW, Ding K, et al.     Quality-of-life outcomes for adjuvant chemotherapy in early-stage     non-small-cell lung cancer: results from a randomized trial, JBR.10. J     Clin Oncol. 2008;26(31):5052-5059.
10. Armenian SH, Xu L, Ky B. Cardiovascular     disease among survivors of adult-onset cancer: a community-based     retrospective cohort study. J Clin Oncol. 2016;34(10):1122.
11. Yoon DW, Shin DW, Cho JH. Increased risk of     coronary heart disease and stroke in lung cancer survivors: a Korean     nationwide study of 20,458 patients. Lung Cancer. 2019;136(115):121.
12. Miller KD, Nogueira L, Mariotto AB. Cancer     treatment and survivorship statistics, 2019. CA: Cancer J Clin.     2019;69(5):363-385.
13. Perloff T, King JC, Rigney M, Ostroff JS,     Johnson Shen M. Survivor guilt: the secret burden of lung cancer     survivorship. J Psychosoc Oncol. 2019;37(5):573-585.
14. Goulart BHL, Unger JM, Chennupati S,     Fedorenko CR, Ramsey SD. Out-of-pocket costs for tyrosine kinase     inhibitors and patient outcomes in EGFR- and ALK-positive advanced     non-small-cell lung cancer. JCO Oncol Pract. 2020. [Epub ahead of print].

版面编辑:洪江林  责任编辑:张彩琴



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