[COMB2014]绝经前早期乳腺癌治疗的困境与突破——Hope S. Rugo教授访谈

作者:  H.S.Rugo   日期:2014/8/27 17:14:26  浏览量:75948


Hope S. Rugo教授为美国加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校肿瘤学教授,海伦迪勒家族综合癌症中心乳腺癌及临床试验培训组组长,晚期乳腺癌国际共识1(ABC1)编写专家组成员。

  Oncology Frontier: What’s the future for neoadjuvant therapy for HER2-positive early-stage breast cancer?


  Dr Rugo: The guidelines that were recently released have already changed. If there is an improvement in pathologic complete response (no invasive tumor in the breast and lymph node) then that treatment may be better in terms of disease-free survival. This has been very controversial because of the recent data from the ALTTO trial and also the lack of benefit in the NeoALTTO trial in terms of disease-free survival. What we found was that the addition of pertuzumab to standard chemotherapy plus trastuzumab improves the pathologic complete response rate. Unlike the addition of lapatinib, it is extremely well tolerated with only modest toxicity which usually can be managed easily. This lead to the accelerated approval of pertuzumab as neo-adjuvant therapy in combination with chemotherapy and we employ that on a regular basis. The NCCN guidelines also suggested that just because a woman wasn’t offered neo-adjuvant therapy, they shouldn’t then not be allowed to receive pertuzumab. So they have included the choice of pertuzumab as an adjuvant treatment but it is not yet approved in that indication. So there has been a big change in our guidelines for neo-adjuvant therapy based on neo-adjuvant studies showing improved pathologic complete response. The fact that ALTTO didn’t translate into improved outcomes with the addition of lapatinib is an interesting question and I think there are a few important points to keep in mind. The population enrolled in ALTTO was a much lower risk population than in NeoALTTO. Lapatinib is not well-tolerated so compliance could be an issue. Also in NeoALTTO, half of the chemotherapy was given after surgery; patients received only the taxane with trastuzumab and lapatinib and then received their anthracycline post-operatively. The same is true for pertuzumab from the NeoSphere trial, but the difference with pertuzumab is we have a trial in the first-line metastatic setting showing improved overall survival which we don’t have for lapatinib. I think there is a good chance that pertuzumab will show an improvement in disease-free survival in the adjuvant setting despite these issues. It is currently a new standard for neo-adjuvant therapy for HER2-positive breast cancer.





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