

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2016/6/27 19:04:12  浏览量:23915


2016年6月17-18日,由美中抗癌协会(U.S. Chinese Anti-cancer Association,USCACA)和广东省女医师协会乳腺癌专业委员会主办,广东省人民医院,广东省医学科学院协办的中美乳腺癌高峰论坛在广州成功召开。广东省人民医院肿瘤中心乳腺科主任廖宁担任本次大会的执行主席。会议得到了中美两国乳腺癌领域同道的鼎力支持,全球最顶尖的乳腺肿瘤学领域领袖组成了豪华的讲者团,授业解惑,交流互动。在未来几天中,《肿瘤瞭望》将带您直面这豪华的讲者团,近距离聆听专家们的真知灼见。

  本期首先为您带来专美国乳腺与肠道外科辅助治疗研究组(NSABP)主席、美国德雷克塞尔大学医学院人类肿瘤学教授、系主任、美国匹兹堡阿勒格尼综合医院人类肿瘤学系主任Norman Wolmark教授的专访,了解NSABP在乳腺癌方面的突出贡献,以及他对未来乳腺癌领域的展望。














  NSABP第一个开展临床试验证实,他莫昔芬在淋巴结阴性、雌激素受体阳性患者中延长无病生存期和总生存期,这项试验是他莫昔芬在美国获得治疗适应证的试验基础。随后的一项研究显示,化疗联合他莫昔芬优于他莫昔芬单独使用,但是只有微小的优势(约5%的差异)。不是所有的患者都能从化疗中获得相同的益处,这促使大家研究不同亚型患者之间的关系。NSABP与Genomic Health合作开发了Oncotype DX检测。这使美国乳腺癌的治疗产生了明显的变化,使得50%的淋巴结阴性、雌激素受体阳性的女性浸润性乳腺癌患者免于化疗。






















  Interviewer: Here is Oncology Frontier and today, we have the honor of doing a short interview with Professor Wolmark. Please introduce some outstanding contributions in breast cancer made by NSABP in the past 50 years, and what are the prospects for the future of NSABP?


  Professor Wolmark: So, that’s a probing question. The NSABP has been in existence for over 50 years,


  and I think that we’ve been very fortunate in that we have contributed to clinical trials that have changed the biologic perception of breast cancer and have resulted in innovative clinical trials being done. Perhaps our most definitive trial in addressing that question was protocol BO6 which, stimulated the retreat from radical mastectomy and showed definitively that lesser operations—such as lumpectomy and radiotherapy—were the equivalent of doing radical mastectomies. And that completely changed how surgeons viewed the biology of breast cancer and what it led to was the stimulation of clinical trials in adjuvant chemotherapy, because the surgeons realized that attention to operative detail was not going to change outcomes as far as disease-free survival when survival is concerned. That led to a series of protocols that showed for the first time, in 1975, that adjuvant chemotherapy in women with histologically positive nodes prolonged disease-free survival.


  We were also the first group to do a clinical trial that showed that Tamoxifen in node-negative, ER-positive patients, prolonged disease-freesurvival and subsequently prolonged overall survival—and that was the indication trial for Tamoxifen in the United States. We then showed that adding chemotherapy to Tamoxifen was superior thanTamoxifen alone, but to a small degree (about 5% difference). We knew that all patients did not benefit equally from chemotherapy and that stimulated us to develop a relationship with the Oncotypepeople.We were instrumental in developing the Oncotype DX assay together with Genomic Health. So, that dramatically changed how treatment was delivered in the United States in that it avoided chemotherapy for 50% of women with node-negative, ER-positive invasive breast cancer.


  We also were the first group to do pre-operative chemotherapy as the primary intervention,challenging the primacy of the operation. Subsequently, the FDA agreed that pathologic complete response could be used as a surrogate for approval and this, in fact, occurred when the FDA provided accelerated approval for pertuzumab in the adjuvant setting for HER2-positive breast cancer.


  Perhaps our most notable accomplishment was the use of targeted therapy for HER2-positive adjuvant breast cancer with Herceptin. In 2005, we reported, together with the North Central Group, the results of a study that showed an unequivocal and a very substantial benefit for the addition of Herceptin to chemotherapy in the adjuvant setting for HER2-positive breast cancer.


  So, I think that that spectrum has altered our perception of the disease as well as our therapeutic interventions to a significant degree. I think we are very fortunate to have been part of that era and to have been a part of the process through doing randomized prospective clinical trials with the 200 institutions that comprised the NSABP, the institutions that both were university-based as well as community-based.


  We’ve also done two prevention trials in breast cancer: P1, which randomized over 13,000 women, and P2, that randomized nearly 20,000, showing that Tamoxifen can reduce the incidents of subsequent breast cancer in high-risk women without breast cancer.


  So that provides you with a bird’s eye overview of 50 years of what the NSABP has accomplished. Currently, we are, of course, moving away from using therapy for everyone. We’re targeting subsets with umbrella trials, as a case in point. Certainly, the exciting data with CDK4/6 inhibitors in the adjuvant setting, hopefully, will come to fruition. The exciting data from advanced disease, I think, will be translated to the adjuvant setting. The checkpoint inhibitors—we’ve just initiated a trial together with SWOG using pembro7lizumab in patients with triple-negative breast cancer. So this is a very exciting era.


  We have been part of two clinical trials using PARP inhibitors, both for germline BRCA-positive patients as well as triple-negative patients. So, the era has changed dramatically and, I think, we’re embracing the age of precision medicine and targeted therapy in the adjuvant setting, but it remains to be seen how that is going to play out. We are very hopeful and enthusiastic that we will continue to move the field forward.


版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:何豫



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