
乳腺针芯穿刺活检的意义和应用要点——V. Suzanne Klimberg教授访谈

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2016/6/27 18:33:24  浏览量:28422


2016年6月17-18日,由美中抗癌协会(U.S. Chinese Anti-cancer Association,USCACA)和广东省女医师协会乳腺癌专业委员会主办,广东省人民医院,广东省医学科学院协办,广东省人民医院肿瘤中心乳腺科主任廖宁担任执行主席的中美乳腺癌高峰论坛在广州成功召开。在本期中美乳腺癌高峰论坛特别报道中,请与我们一起跟随美国阿肯色州医科大学洛克菲勒癌症研究所V. Suzanne Klimberg教授学习乳腺癌针芯穿刺活检的意义和应用要点。



  Klimberg教授首先指出,当前在美国及其全球大部分地区,术前进行乳腺针芯穿刺活检(core needle biopsy,CNB)都成为了乳腺癌诊断的金标准。2001、2005和2009年举行的国际跨学科共识会议一致同意将乳腺病灶的经皮活检    术作为活检方法的金标准,如果病灶容易控制,则使用超声引导,如果超声检查见不到钙化,则实施立体定位活检。在美国,经皮CNB已几乎取代细针抽活检作为乳腺病灶的术前诊断方法,因为它能更明确地做出组织学诊断,并提供充足的组织用于预后标志物的检测。


















  Interview with Suzanne Klimberg


  Oncology Frontier: Is core needle biopsy the diagnosis standard of breast cancer in the United States? What is the proportion of core needle biopsy in preoperative diagnosis? And finally, what are the advantages of core needle biopsy for the individual treatment of breast cancer?


  Professor Klimberg: So, in the United States—or anywhere—the gold standard should be core needle biopsy ahead of time. I say that because if you get a core needle biopsy ahead of time, it cuts down on the number of secondary procedures that you have to have. In fact, one study of over 160 papers showed that a woman who doesn’t have a core needle biopsy is 15 times more likely to have a second procedure because she didn’t have the needle biopsy ahead of time. It allows you to plan what you want, because you have a choice of breast conservation versus mastectomy and reconstruction. If you know that you have an invasive cancer, it allows you to plan a sentinel lymph node biopsy ahead of time. So, this is extremely important. And then the third thing is that if you know the diagnosis ahead of time or you’ve done a needle biopsy ahead of time, it’s been shown in studies that you are much more likely to have free margins, or clear margins, from a lumpectomy.


  Oncology Frontier: In order to better assess the patient’s condition and guide the subsequent treatment, do you think that a sentinel lymph node biopsy should be done before or after neoadjuvant treatment?


  Prof. Klimberg: Well, this comes back to core needle biopsy. We also love to look at—with ultrasound—the sentinel lymph node. Once we know we have a cancer we look at the lymph node, and if we think we need to or it looks suspicious, we biopsy it with a needle also. That allows us to take the patient to neoadjuvant. That is, for us, a determining factor in small, what look to be favorable, tumors.  If they’ve already travelled to the lymph node and it’s positive, then we’d go to neoadjuvant—either hormonal or chemotherapy—first. That allows the sentinel lymph node to determine whether it’s going to have an effect or not, and in 40 percent of patients, it can convert to negative. So it’s very important because those patients then don’t need an axillary node dissection. So, we use the core needle biopsy. If the lymph node doesn’t look suspicious, we do a sentinel lymph node ahead of time. I don’t think it makes a difference, though, if it does not appear to be involved. We go by the primary, and we might go ahead and do a neoadjuvant, and do a sentinel lymph node after. But we do know that after chemotherapy, it’s not quite as accurate as before chemotherapy.


  Oncology Frontier: How do you avoid tumor heterogeneity in breast cancer tissue biopsy? If the immunohistochemistry results of the breast tissue and sentinel lymph node are not the same, which one should we choose to guide a more accurate treatment?


  Prof. Klimberg: Well, the one we choose to guide the treatment is the one that looks the worst. So we always take the one with the worst prognosis. For example, we do know that there is heterogeneity, that the primary—once it’s metastasized—doesn’t always stay the same; the main thing it does is lose receptors. So, if it becomes receptor negative, for example, with estrogen progesterone negative or it switches the other way and is HER2-positive, we have treatments that are better for those than not. And so, you would always take the worst one. It wouldn’t matter whether it was the primary or the lymph node.


  And the second part of your question was: how to avoid tumor heterogeneity in breast cancer tissue biopsy? I think the main way that we do that is when we do a needle biopsy, we take multiple cores. I think you should take at least 10 cores out of a biopsy, which means 10 pieces of tissue. I think, in that way—especially if you take them from different areas of the tumor— you’re more likely to get a good look at that tumor in its entirety. But we know that tumors are not a single clone, that they are multifactorial. So, I think the best way is to take a good sample of them.


版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:何豫



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